Stats: 1050 health, 300% base health regeneration, 25 ability haste.Mythic Passive: Empowers other Legendary items with 1% bonus health and 6% increased size. Infects an area with a toxic plague that infects enemies hit for 4 seconds, after with the plague explodes, dealing 150 / 250 / 350 (+70 AP) magic damage to infected targets.Also deals 10 of the damage take by the targets during the infection perios as bonus magic damage.After 0.6% maximum health) (30 second cooldown per target). Your next basic attack against a target with 3 stacks is empowered to consume them all to deal 125 (+ 6% maximum health) bonus physical damage and grant you permanent bonus health equal to 12. Unique Passive - Colossal Consumption: While within 700 units of an enemy champion, generate a stack on them each second, stacking up to 3 times.
Recipe: Kindlegem + Crystalline Bracer + Giant's Belt + 700 = 3200.Undocumented/Bug Fix: On-target cooldown is now properly reduced by Ingenious Hunter.Bonus health gained on ARAM reduced to 5% of damage amount from 10%.Bug Fix: Colossal Consumption's readied effect no longer grants increased health on-hit if the attack was parried by Fiora's Riposte, as it does not consume the buff on the target.